A tradition as old as the orkney isles.
Undeniably scottish.
The Orkney islands are green grass, rolling hills, totally unkempt and pristine. The environment reflects the personality of this place – the fierceness of the wind, the temperate weather, the quieting horizon.
Orcadian shores are the meeting place of the Atlantic Ocean and North Sea; the ebb and flow of the tides stretching across the shore keep time. Over seventy islands come together to form Orkney, with twenty of those inhabited by a unique, resilient, and humble people.

Undeniably scottish.
The Orkney islands are green grass, rolling hills, totally unkempt and pristine. The environment reflects the personality of this place – the fierceness of the wind, the temperate weather, the quieting horizon.
Orcadian shores are the meeting place of the Atlantic Ocean and North Sea; the ebb and flow of the tides stretching across the shore keep time. Over seventy islands come together to form Orkney, with twenty of those inhabited by a unique, resilient, and humble people.
Living in the Orkney Isles is to be steeped in living tradition.
To be Orcadian is to be a person living, cultivating, and enjoying a place on earth unlike any other. Its people are friendly, its culture is pleasant. Businesses are pillars of the community, and their shopkeepers are your neighbors and friends.
The slow lifestyle matches the rolling hills and ebb and flow of the ocean. Camaraderie and togetherness are palpable between the people of Orkney and its islands. The people are the heartbeat of Orkney.

Living in the Orkney Isles is to be steeped in living tradition.
To be Orcadian is to be a person living, cultivating, and enjoying a place on earth unlike any other. Its people are friendly, its culture is pleasant. Businesses are pillars of the community, and their shopkeepers are your neighbors and friends.
The slow lifestyle matches the rolling hills and ebb and flow of the ocean. Camaraderie and togetherness are palpable between the people of Orkney and its islands. The people are the heartbeat of Orkney.

The Orkney Isles
Thousands of years of history.
Orkney is a place with a blending of heritages that have intertwined for around 5,000 years. It is said that within Orkney, under every unturned rock is a piece of history.
Throughout the Neolithic, Iron, Norse, and wartime ages, Orkney has been a place of great importance. Orkney has been the hidden gem of its inhabitants.
Today, Orcadians retrace their historical steps: living, cultivating, and enjoying one of the most beautiful places on Earth.

The Orkney Isles
Thousands of years of history.
Orkney is a place with a blending of heritages that have intertwined for around 5,000 years. It is said that within Orkney, under every unturned rock is a piece of history.
Throughout the Neolithic, Iron, Norse, and wartime ages, Orkney has been a place of great importance. Orkney has been the hidden gem of its inhabitants.
Today, Orcadians retrace their historical steps: living, cultivating, and enjoying one of the most beautiful places on Earth.
A taste of Scotland every day of the year.
Rich in flavor and history, and as pure as the waters it thrives in, Orkney Organic Salmon is a true expression of the Orcadian way of life – from Scotland’s oldest and largest organic salmon farming company.